Saturday, December 8, 2007

Happy Belated Hanukkah

Hello my Jewish and non-Jewish friends alike. Yes I'm back, because sanity has reared it's pretty little head and let me finish school once and for all. I've completed my last final for my Masters and should be graduating on Dec 15th, 2007. I say this with confidence even not knowing 40% of my grade remaining because I go in with a good grade as it is and it would take a lot by my calculations for me not to pass. I even have the ability to get a C and still pass, pretty sweet eh? Clearly I want a good grade since it would hurt my GPA a lot, having only 10 classes total, but I'm sure to get my degree either way :)

Now then, let's get on with it. This means I'll now have more free time. Time to write, time to blog, time to ya know, have a life. Ah life, how I miss thee. Not worrying about homework or projects or tests. Sure I still have to work every week but they pay me, not the other way around. Just have to do my best to avoid taking any work home with me.

It's also Hanukkah right now and firstly I want to thank you guys have bestowed glorious presents upon me. My wishlist is a little lighter today. First off, from Stephanie and Sean, I got not one but two sweet books. Yes books, I remember those, the things I used to read before they placed the word "text" in front of them. Well the last real book I read was America (the book), the awesomely hilarious fake text book (bah there's that phrase again) by the Daily Show. Now I've got Stephen Colbert's "I Am America (And So Can You!)" which looks just as damn funny. On top of that, the first part of the comic book run of Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8. A little more Joss Whedon never hurt. You know, unless you're Spike, Wesley, Anya, Buffy, Tara, etc. And because I foolishly checked my wishlist to see some missing items, it means more are on the way. I have no doubt these are from Beerman, because it includes both the new Futurama movie: Bender's Big Score and the special/limited/shiny edition of Serenity. Now I already own the Serenity DVD but not this new one. See I haven't opened the old one yet, never got around to it. So perhaps it can be a gift to someone one else eventually or just resell it on eBay, being still wrapped and everything. Thanks mucho you guys, not to be greedy, but these things being lower on price meant I got more quantity, which is totally awesome. I always look to see if I can't get someone else more gifts for around the same price. You still want all the same stuff but getting more just seems cooler. Hope I'm not wrong for saying that.

My vacation officially begins on the night of Dec 14th and runs through Jan 1st. I'll be home in South Florida during that time and kicking back during my favorite time of the year: false South Florida winter. With that, I leave you with a wonderful youtube link all about the Jews on Christmas. Of course if you're reading this blog, you probably already know all about this. I'd like to add bowling to this list as well.

Happy Holidays everyone!

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